Five years ago was pretty much the worst day of my life, and it was also the day of my second daughter’s birth. I never expected nor wanted to become a part of the special-needs world, but this was the wise path chosen for me since before I was born. God’s sovereign hand guided my husband and me to this day of both joy and sorrow. It would take me many months to recover some sense of normalcy, adjusting to taking care of such a vulnerable person. It would change my view of God over the next few years.

In my five-year journey with Adrielle, I’ve come to realize that loving her is a living illustration of the love God’s shows me through Christ. Just as I have chosen life for my daughter, God chose life for me from before the foundations of the world. Just as I have stooped down to take care of her in her disability, God stoops down to take care of me in my spiritual disability—my need for salvation. And just as I find delight in loving Adrielle for who she is and how she is growing, God delights in loving me, His daughter who is also growing in righteousness. Yes-Adrielle is living proof that God loves each and every one of us and reaches down from the glory of heaven in all of His infinite power and might to give us the most precious gift of all—eternal life in His presence, through His Son Jesus Christ. I could not and would not love her without this model of God’s love. I love her because God loved me first.

I’m so glad, Adrielle, that you are part of our family. I’m exceedingly glad that God has chosen me to be a part of His forever family.

Happy 5th birthday, Adrielle. You show us the majesty of God’s love and power every day. You remind us that every person deserves to have life and be loved just because they are precious bearers of God’s image, and His creation is always good. May we represent the hands and feet of Christ to you and all those we encounter who need Jesus until we see Him face to face.