The Good Samaritan – Week Two
The parable of the Good Samaritan was birthed when Jesus changed a lawyer’s improper question of “who is my neighbor?” into “how can I be a neighbor?” Jesus asked the lawyer extract the truth from the story himself, and the answer became apparent to all. To the self-righteous expert in the law who wanted to separate people into those worthy and unworthy of being neighbors, God’s answer shatters those divisions. Join us this week as we study the famous story of the Good Samaritan that convicts us of self-righteousness and demonstrates how to love sacrificially with what we have.
- Memorize Deuteronomy 6:5.
- Memorize Leviticus 19:18.
- Reflection Question: Have you accepted the help of the Savior who is despised and rejected by the world? Who is a neighbor that you can help this week?
- Find more Bible teaching online at: sacrascript.org or here on this site.
- Looking Ahead: Read Luke 15:1-32 and compare the three parables of Jesus. What is the main point that Jesus is making