The True Vine – Week Seven
The nation of Israel was described in the Old Testament as the vine or the vineyard of God. This nation was supposed to grow and bear fruit for the Kingdom of God, reaching all the nations of the earth. However, many passages in the Bible describe how Israel was under the punishment of God for their wickedness and idolatry—not being a fruitful vine. John records Jesus’ 7th and final I Am statement to His disciples the night before His crucifixion, “I am the true vine.” Jesus is the fulfillment, the shoot of from the root of Jesse predicted in Isaiah 11, who is faithfully obedient to His Father, the Vine-dresser, even unto death. Jesus is the vine of eternal life and believers in Christ are the branches that must remain in Him to bear any spiritual fruit for the Kingdom of God.
- Read John 18-22.
- Memorize John 15:1-2.
- Remain in the Vine!
Discussion Questions
- What would you say to a person who professes to be a Christian, but shows no spiritual fruit?
- Why is studying the Word of God the only way to grow as a Christian?
- How are you producing fruit for God’s Kingdom?