The Door, the Good Shepherd – Week Four
Jesus continues to challenge religious authorities and teach his followers using shepherding imagery in the fourth and fifth I Am statements, which would be very familiar to his audience. Running through the pages of the Old Testament God likens Himself to the Shepherd of Israel and His people as the sheep of His pasture. Jesus identifies Himself as the Door of the sheep by which no one can enter but through Him. Jesus continues to say that He, in contrast to false shepherds, is the Good Shepherd who will never leave His sheep, and in fact, lay His life down for them. God’s sheep know His voice. Whose voice are you following?
- Read John 10:1-12:50
- Memorize John 10:14-15
- Memorize Psalm 23:1-6
Discussion Questions
- One of the things that Jesus emphasizes about the shepherd/sheep relationship is the intimate knowledge they have for one another. How would you rate the intimacy of your relationship with Christ? What are some steps you can take to strengthen that intimacy?
- As our good shepherd, Jesus goes ahead of us and provides us with guidance. What are some ways that Christ has guided you in the past? Is your current life more about following Christ or making your own path?
- Jesus tells us that we should follow His voice and flee from the voice of “strangers.” What are some things in our lives today that we should be weary of leading us away from Christ?