The Bread of Life – Week Two

Have you ever asked yourself, “Why do I follow Jesus?” Is it for the things you think He will bring you or is it for the sake of knowing Jesus himself? Jesus created quite a following in his earthly ministry as He healed the sick and fed the hungry. However, many people just wanted the “stuff” instead of the substance. In His first I Am statement, Jesus says He is the Bread of Life that will nourish and sustain one’s soul. However, most of the people following Him rejected that statement because they just wanted to fill their bellies. But God provided His Son as the true manna from heaven that would bring eternal sustenance. Have you partaken of the Bread of Life?

Return to Knowing Jesus


  1. Try out the Gospel Bread Recipe (click on the link below).
  2. Read John 6-9 this week. Find and mark the addition signs (4-6) that Jesus is the Messiah.
  3. Memorize John 6:27. Write how this verse applies to how you’ve been living your life.


Gospel Bread Recipe